About Us
Kimochis toys work at the intersection of design and learning. At its core, play is nature’s way of making sure that children learn the things they need to. Play works intuitively, naturally, and at many different levels.
The toys we design bring out our passion and love for their uniqueness and quality.
The toys reflect the essence of childhood. Every single toy is individually made with great care and precision in every detail. Each of these unique items has its own story, which is the result of long hours of designing and customizing them to children’s and parent’s specific needs.
Children make the Kimochis toy their own by creating their own rules and ways of
playing. Kimochis toys are created to not inhibit their imagination. We make an
effort to design multi-functional toys that, at the same time, train children’s intelligence, dexterity, and awareness. Our toys are focused on the sustainable development of the various types of imagination: coloristic, spatial, motor, symbolic, and creative. They learn to think analytically or abstractly.